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Write a Review and Receive A Free License from StreamUlt

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Do you want to unlock StreamUlt's full features for free? Here are some channels we provide to get you a free keycode of StreamUlt products. You can write a review or share your experience with StreamUlt software to public, then you have a chance to get a free license from us.

Channel 1. Write a review on your blog/personal websites/forums

This channel is for bloggers, web masters and forum moderators. You can write a review (500 words at least) and publish it to your public blog, personal website or forum that has an alexa ranking higher than 100K.

Once your review is post alive, we will send you a free yearly license. The post should be live for at least one year. If you retain it as archive file on your blog or website, we can send you a lifetime license.

Channel 2. Record a review video and post to YouTube

If you do not have a blog or have no access to post review on other blogs, we also provide a method for you to get a free copy if you can publish a review video on your YouTube account which attracted at least 100 followers.

After your YouTube video is alive, we will send you a free yearly keycode. If your video has recevied more than 5,000 views, we can send you a lifetime license.

Channel 3. Review StreamUlt Software on Facebook or Twitter

You can share our products on your Facebook or Twitter account and write your review for our product. Of course, the Facebook or Twitter account should contain at least 1000 followers and the post of our products is expected to attract more than 100 likes and 100 shares.

After your Facebook/Twitter post is alive and reached the target number, you can contact us and request the yearly license for our software.

Channel 4. Review StreamUlt Software on consumer review platforms

It should be the easiest way to get a free license. If you don't have a blog or website and don't want to share reviews on social platforms, you can choose this method to get a free license. Just write a good review about our software or share your experience with our software on one of these rating platforms like Trustpilot, Sitejabber, or Facebook.

After that, you can screencast your review and send it to us via [email protected], and we'll send you a free quarterly keycode.